What is the statement of comprehensive income?

statement of comprehensive income

Profit or loss includes all items of income or expense (including reclassification adjustments) except those items of income or expense that are recognised in OCI as required or permitted by IFRS standards. Reclassification adjustments are amounts recognised to profit or loss in the current period that were previously recognised in OCI in the current or previous periods. Examples of items recognised in OCI that may be reclassified to profit or loss are foreign currency gains on the disposal of a foreign operation and realised gains or losses on cash flow hedges. Those items that may not be reclassified are changes in a revaluation surplus under IAS 16® , Property, Plant and Equipment, and actuarial gains and losses on a defined benefit plan under IAS 19, Employee Benefits. The statement of comprehensive income provides details of the company’s overall profitability for a specified period. The first part is the profit and loss or income statement, which lists the company’s revenue and expenses over some time and provides details regarding the net profit or loss of the company for the same period.

These are events that have occurred but haven’t been monetarily recorded in the accounting system because they haven’t been earned or incurred. You can think of it like adjusting the balance sheet accounts to their fair value. The multiple-step format with its section subtotals makes performance analysis and ratio calculations such as gross profit margins easier to complete and makes it easier to assess the company’s future earnings potential. That information, along with other information in the notes, assists users of financial statements in predicting the entity’s future cash flows and, in particular, their timing and certainty.

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Both documents also only display figures from one particular period — you shouldn’t alter them to reflect what’s currently happening with your company’s finances. There’s a huge number of financial documents involved in running a business. statement of comprehensive income Most of them are very helpful for understanding your company’s finances, but they can also be quite complex to put together. Gains or losses may also be accrued from foreign currency translation adjustments, as shown in the table below.

Examples of transitory gains and losses are those that arise on the remeasurement of defined benefit pension funds and revaluation surpluses on PPE. A third proposition is for the OCI to adopt a broad approach, by also including transitory gains and losses. The Board would decide in each IFRS standard whether a transitory remeasurement should be subsequently recycled. This is the money you’ve had to spend to continue your primary operations.

Advantages of Statement of Comprehensive Income

Only by recognising the effective gain or loss in OCI and allowing it to be reclassified from equity to SOPL can users to see the results of the hedging relationship. For instance, using Countingup for your company’s finances means that when you create a statement of comprehensive income, you’ll only need to log into the Countingup app to view all of your financial transactions. On top of that, the app can automatically categorise your transactions, so finding the relevant data will be quick and easy.

It plays a key role in investor analysis and gauging financial performance. It tells investors how much a company has through the net assets, how much it owes in the liability column, and what is left after the two are net. The statement of comprehensive income is one of the five financial statements required in a complete set of financial statements for distribution outside of a corporation. A business owner must closely examine the income statements and other financial statements. The next step is determining how much profit the business generated throughout the reporting period.


Some of these estimates have more measurement uncertainty than others, and some estimates are inherently more conservative than others. This in turn affects the quality of earnings reported in an income statement. When your business accrues gains or losses from the fluctuations in value of its assets, it’s not recognized in the net income.

statement of comprehensive income